Sunday, April 19, 2009

You know it's time to diet when...

Today after church as Father was shaking hands and saying good-bye, he said to me, "Congratulations! When are you due?"

My face reddened as I replied, "Oh, I'm not pregnant."

Naturally he felt horrible and quickly apologized. This made me feel guilty for making him feel bad, so I said, "It's my own fault, I've been under so much stress lately. When I am stressed out, I eat a lot and drink a lot of soda which is really bad for me. I can see why you would think that."

He apologized again and I went on my way home.

On the drive home I came to the conclusion that it's obviously time to start dieting when your priest congratulates you on your pregnancy.

And I thought going to church was supposed to make you feel better!

Credit: Unknown. (If this picture belongs to you, click here to claim it.)

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