Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jest for Fun

Bambi, the pert young blonde, filled her gas tank at a self service station. After she had paid and driven away, she realized she'd left the gas cap on top of her car. "Ooopsie" she said as she stopped and looked. Sure enough, it was lost. Mustering all her mental abilities she thought for a few minutes. "Surely I'm not the only young, beautiful, blonde woman to have done this." She muttered to herself. "Others must have done the same thing. Maybe if I drive back the way I came, I'll find a gas cap that will fit, or maybe even the one I lost." Bambi drove back down the street and sure enough, she found a gas cap laying by the side of the road. She tried it on, and it went into place with a satisfying "click". "WOW, this is SO COOL", Bambi said to no one in particular. "I lost my gas cap, but found one that fits. It's even better than my old one because this one automatically LOCKS!"

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